It's OK

It's OK if their socks aren't paired,
As long as they are clean.
You'll be expected to shout sometimes,
As long as you're not mean.

It's OK if I need some time,
To cherish all that's mine.
It helps to get those loose strings straight,
And bring chaos back in line.

It's OK to work those extra hours,
To make sure concerts are not missed.
We're expected to chastise sometimes,
Always choose voice over the fist.

It's OK to feel overwhelmed with love,
For you've made one fantastic being.
Walk away when others put you down,
Remember what your babes are seeing!

It's OK to say "No" sometimes,
When they're asking in a shop.
Missing out on that toy is acceptable,
Debts and bankrupcy are not.

It's OK, we all feel low sometimes,
Like we're not enough for them.
But remember to them you are the world,
Our little ladies and our little men xx

By Rebecca Clemett

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